Bitget Global Users:
Since the launch of Bitget Quanto Swap Contract, it has been loved by Bitget users. We have been increasing and improving on margin trading pairs. In order to provide a better Quanto Swap Contract trading experience, we hope to get your feedback so as to continuously improve user trading experience and events. Please fill out this short Google Form and give us your feedback.
Event time: July 27-July 31, 2021 (UTC+8)
Event registration: Click on the Google Form to take part
After completing the Google Form questions, Bitget will select 200 lucky participants, and each will receive a "50USDT Contract Trial Fund" reward !
Event Description
1. Event rewards will be issued to your BTC/USDT contract account 7 working days after the event ends;
2. The contract trial fund can be used for contract trading, and it can also be used to deduct transaction fees/losses/funding costs
3. Bitget reserves all rights to the final interpretation of this event. For any cheating behaviours conducted during the event, Bitget will cancel the qualification of that participant.
Bitget Team
July 27, 2021
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