Bitget Global Users:
Since its launch in 2018, Bitget has achieved outstanding results in the contract derivatives market with its excellent trading experience and innovative product system. Furthermore, Bitget also has come up with a new development strategy for transformation and upgrading. Hence, Bitget’s new Slogan—"Better trading Better life" is official as of July 2021, Singapore time. A brand new slogan, a brand new journey.
The vision of the new slogan-"Better trading Better life" is to allow every global user of Bitget to enjoy a free, ultimate best and fair-trading experience, utilising leverage to achieve your trading goals and dreams.
With the expansion of Bitget's global business, more countries and users are connected with Bitget. "Better trading Better life" means that not only does Bitget offers trading products for users, but also offers excellent services for users at the same time. We hope to provide users with a better platform so that users can enjoy a free, ultimate best and fair-trading experience. In the future, Bitget’s services will extend to every country in the world!
Once again thank you for your constant support and trust in Bitget!
Bitget Team
July 2021
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