Dear Bitget users:
In order to allow users to better use Bitget products, improve security awareness, and identify fraudulent groups.
Now Bitget launches Bitget Security Questionnaire, Participate to share 10,000USDT
Time: February 5, 2021-February 26, 2021 (UTC+8)
1. The user answers 10 questionnaires (full score is 100 points), and the answer scores are used as the basis for dividing the prize pool. Users over 60 points can share the 10,000USDT prize pool.
2. The event is for KYC users, and each UID can only participate once;
3. User reward distribution rules. Users with 100 points and users over 60 points share the prizepool. The proportion is 9:1, that is, 9000 USDT is allocated to users over 60 points, and 1000 USDT is extra reward for users with 100 points. The maximum reward for each user does not exceed 10USDT
Calculation of user over 60 points = 9000USDT / number of users over 60 points
Reward calculation for users with 100 points = (9000USDT / the number of users over 60 points) + (1000USDT / the number of users with 100 points)
Event Description
1. Event rewards will be issued to BTC/USDT contract accounts within 3 working days after the event ends.
2. Bitget reserves the right to interpret the activity and handle the cheating behavior of participating users.
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