Bitget introduces a premium and luxury crypto-backed credit card that with no preset spending limit for flexible purchases. You can use the Bitget Card anywhere Visa is accepted. By now, Visa has over 50 million merchants world-wide.
1. How to apply for Bitget Card?
For now, the Bitget Card is exclusively available to VIP customers by invitation only. You can review the Bitget VIP program: here.
2. Is this Debit Or Credit Card?
Bitget Card in nature is a credit card. However, a cardholder is required to have sufficient balance in the Bitget Funding Account before any payment authorization is made successful.
3. Where can we use Bitget Card?
Upon approval of your application, a virtual card is issued immediately and is ready for use. It can be used for online payments and supports Google Pay and Apple Pay.
In the meantime, a physical card will be shipped to you soon. You will receive the tracking number through the Dashboard then.
4. How does Bitget Card works?
Bitget Card enables real-time conversion of your Funding Account balance to US Dollars when you make a purchase. After each qualified spending, BGB cash back will automatically apply - this functionality will be coming soon.
5. Which currencies can be used?
Currently, the Bitget Card supports USDT (Tether) as the accepted cryptocurrency. But very soon, we will expand supported cryptocurrency's list to include BTC, ETH, BGB, USDC, etc. [To be Confirmed]
6. Can I withdraw cash from ATMs using Bitget card?
You can withdraw cash from ATMs that display the VISA logo using your Bitget Card. Please note that applicable fees and withdrawal limits may apply.
7. If there a limit on how much I can spend with the Bitget crypto credit card?
Yes, there are spending limits associated with the Bitget crypto credit card. These limits may vary based on factors such as VIP tiership and card usage history. For details about your specific spending limits, please review the "Card spending limit and usage" information.
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