Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to post P2P advertisement on Bitget mobile app.
Step 1:
Log in your Bitget account in mobile app and go to [P2P Trading]. Click the menu button (3 dots) on top right, and choose [Post Ad].
Step 2:
Select the type of advertisement [Buy Ads] or [Sell Ads].
Select crypto currency.
And select fiat currency.
Step 3:
a) Choose either [Floating Price] or [Fixed Price].
b) Enter the [Floating Ratio %] or [Trading Price] (per USDT)].
Floating price: the price of your ad is set based on a pre-set floating ratio, which is a percentage of the market reference price.
Floating rate: it is a percentage of the market reference price and is used to set your ad price.
E.g: Suppose the market reference price is 10,000 and the floating ratio is 10%, the trading price displayed on the ad would be 10000 * (1+10%) = 11000
Fixed price: No matter how the reference price changes, the trading price of your ad will always be fixed.
Risk alert: To protect your interest, please control the difference between fixed price and market reference price within a reasonable range and keep an eye on the latest market price changes.
c) Enter the [Highest Price] (optional) and trading quantity.
Highest price: the highest buying price of your ad. Setting a reasonable highest price can help you avoid huge financial losses in extreme market conditions.
E.g: Suppose the highest price is 10,000, your ad price would be 10,000 even when market price is higher than 10,000.
d) Select your [Market], which is the same as [Advertisement Market] from the web version.
[Yes] in web version = [Public] in mobile app version
[No] in web version = [Private] in mobile app version
For more information, visit the guide of [Advertisement Market].
e) Payment deadline: You need to complete offline payment before payment deadline and click [Paid]. Failure to click within time limit will result in the transaction being automatically cancelled.
f) Set up your [Order Limit] and [Max. Order Limit] of transaction.
Step 4:
Choose a [Payment Method]. You can pick more than one of payment methods.
Hints: More payment methods will attract more customers and provide better payment options for them.
Step 5: (Optional)
When you pick the [P2P User Requirements] (optional), traders who do not meet the conditions will not be able to place an order. For more details, visit [How to set up P2P User Requirements on Bitget P2P].
Step 6:
Fill in the [Remark] (optional) for your customers to understand your preferences better. The content of [Remark] will be automatically shown in the P2P live chat box after the order is placed.
Lastly, agree to our Trading Rules and click [Post]. Your ads will be posted in [My Ads].
When your ad is published, you can edit, delist, or share it. Please note that you will not be able to repost the same ad once you delist it.
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