Bitget P2P provides support for more than 60 fiat currencies. You can buy and sell crypto using your local currency via multiple payment methods on the Bitget mobile app.
Steps to add new payment methods:
1. Log in to your Bitget account on your mobile app and tab on [Add Funds] under [Home] section.
Next, select [P2P Trading].
2. Click the menu button (3 dots on top right) and choose [Payment Methods].
3. Before adding a [Payment Method], please make sure you select your preferred fiat currency. Next, choose your preferred payment method.
4. Enter your payment details according to your selected payment method.
5. Once you enter your [Fund Code] and click [Confirm], the new payment method will be available.
Important Notes: Bitget P2P only accepts a payment method which has the same name as your KYC information.
6. If you wish to delete your existing payment method, click the bin icon.
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